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Know about the 4 types of squint treatments available

Know about the 4 types of squint treatments available

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     Squint or crossed eye is a condition that affects many children at a young age and even adults. While some squints may get corrected in the course of time, some need treatment or surgery to be corrected. Squint treatments are now available at Dr Rani Menon’s Eye Clinic thanks to modern medical inventions.  

Listing below some of the effective ways for squint treatments in Kerala: 

 1. Glasses – Glasses are the initial treatment prescribed by the doctor if the condition is caused by a refractive error  like long-sightedness. After the glasses are worn for a certain period of time, the doctor reassesses the condition of the squint and suggests further treatment.  The use of glasses does not have any side effects and is the most convenient treatment for kids. Glasses will have to be worn for a long time for the squint to be improved or corrected.  

 2. Eye Exercises – Performing exercises for the eyes helps the muscles that control the eye movement to remain active and strong allowing the eyes to work together. Your eye doctor can help you show the eye exercises to be performed on a routine basis. 

3. Surgery – surgery is usually performed on the muscles that control the eye movements so that they line up correctly. Glasses may sometime be recommended if the surgery has not been entirely effective. Sometimes surgery may be required in one eye only and at times in both. Typically, a squint surgery is not very painful and the operation lasts for 30-60 minutes. The post Operative session may feel a little uncomfortable or uneasy but all you need is to ensure the safety of your eye during this time.

4. Injections – Injections onto the muscle of the eye are done to weaken the eye muscles to help them line better. Injections are often suggested if no underlying causes are identified some patients can also develop lazy eyes or amblyopia because of squint and it needs to be treated initially before treating squint. and for lazy eye, the treatment involves wearing a patch over the eye which is normal so that the vision in the lazy eye can be improved by the brain receiving signals and sending them to the defective eye to make it back to normal.

     if the squint is left untreated for a long time you will have to rely on surgery to improve the alignment of the eye. surgery is only recommended if other treatments are ineffective or ruled out. any vision problem that is left untreated for a long time, can cause severe damage to your vision. Hence , Dr. Rani Menon’s Eye Clinic , we suggest periodical eye checkups for early detection.

     At times, you might need more than one surgery to fine-tune the eye and correct the misalignment. in some cases, the patient may have double vision even after straightening the eyes but that is only because the eyes have not been in alignment for many years

     The main purpose behind performing squint surgeries is for the realignment of eyes, restoration of binocular vision, vision correction with glasses, correction deviation for cosmetical and functional reasons, preservation and restoration of binocular vision, prevention of diplopia, etc.

     Make sure to get expert advice from squint specialists regarding squints and treatments to follow for your particular eye conditions. Dr. Rani Menon’s Eye Clinic in thrissur provides complete solutions to all kind of eye-releted problems Dr. Rani Menon is renowned squint specialist in kerala.

     Always ensure proper eye care and identify any small changes to your vision, so you can get them checked and get the necessary treatment.

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