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Lasik Surgery for a glass-free life forever

Lasik Surgery for a glass-free life forever

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     It is common knowledge that vision can be corrected using contacts or glasses, but if you don’t want to wear them, then there is always an option to say goodbye to your glasses and contacts through Lasik surgery. Lasik surgery or Laser assisted in situ keratomileusis is a laser treatment that corrects defective vision without the need to wear glasses or lenses.

     Everyone wants to do Lasik surgery in Kerala but the apprehensions associated with Lasik surgery never die down. Lasik surgery cost may act as the biggest contributor towards making this life-changing decision. Regardless of which, in this blog we let you know the common questions often asked before opting to choose Lasik eye surgery.

What are the Do’s and Dont’s to be looked into during the first week after Lasik surgery?

     During the first week of Lasik surgery, care must be taken to ensure maximum results from the surgery. Listed below are some Do’s and Dont’s to follow post-surgery to avoid any further harm to your eyes.



Adhere to prescription

No straining your eyes

Give your eyes some rest

No eye makeup

Wear protective sunglasses

No rubbing your eyes

Follow your doctor’s advice

No stepping out in the sun


No strenuous exercise


No contact sports

Is Lasik surgery painful?

     No, Lasik surgery is not painful and is completely safe; the whole surgery is performed by numbing both eyes using anesthetic eye drops. You might feel slight a bit of pressure after the Lasik procedure but it is never painful. Your eyes might experience slight itching or burning sensation after the procedure but it is completely safe.

To which age group is a Lasik surgery effective?

     Lasik surgery is effective for those between the age group of 18 and 40. 

Are there any risks or side effects associated with Lasik surgery?

     Lasik surgery contains very few side effects which are not potentially harmful to the patient during the initial days after the surgery. Some of the side effects associated with Lasik surgery are dry eyes, inflammation, infection, impaired night vision, glare, double vision, seeing halos, etc. These are not permanent side effects and will eventually heal over time. 

When can I see the results from the Lasik surgery?

     Lasik surgery results in improved vision without the use of glasses or contact lens. After the surgery, you have a good chance of getting 20/20 vision. Results depend upon the severity of the vision. If it is of lesser intensity, then the results will be fast and if it has the most intensity, then the result will be slower. Lasik surgery is the permanent, practical, quick, convenient, and long-term solution to wearing glasses or lenses daily.

What all vision conditions can the Lasik surgery treat?

     Lasik surgery can correct the following refractive errors of the eye such as:

  • Near-sightedness or Myopia: An eye condition that lets you see objects closer but not far away.
  • Farsightedness or Hyperopia: An eye condition that lets you see distant objects clearly but nearby objects blurry at a younger age.
  • Astigmatism: An eye condition that causes blurred vision for distant and nearby objects.

     Now that you have a clear picture of what a Lasik surgery entails, you are at will to choose the best Lasik surgeon or eye doctor. But, if you ask us for suggestions, we can proudly tell you that the best Lasik surgeon in Thrissur is Dr Rani Menon’s Eye Clinic offering the most advanced and modern treatment for Lasik Surgery in Kerala. Choose Lasik surgery to read better, look better and live a better life.

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Is Laser treatment effective for the eyes in the long term?

Is Laser treatment effective for the eyes in the long term?

The advancement of new and modern technologies has made eye treatments a lot less complicated and surgeries have become more convenient and easier. Using a laser on the eyes for correction is called laser photocoagulation or laser photoablation. Laser treatment for the eyes is safer, faster, quite painless and involves no or low risk. Apart from these, laser treatment requires no sutures of bleeding and hence the patient can recover much faster. Laser treatments are most commonly done to correct refractive defects so you can see clearly without the aid of glasses or lenses. Laser treatments are also used to treat the following:

  • Diabetic eye diseases
  • Proliferative diabetic retinopathy 
  • Diabetic macular edema
  • Macular degeneration 
  • Glaucoma
  • Short-sightedness (Myopia)
  • Corrective Refractive Errors
  • Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK)
  • LASIK (Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis)
  • LASEK (Laser Epithelial Keratomileusis)
  • Reshape the cornea of the eye
  • Astigmatism 
  • Retinal Tears


Laser eye surgery procedure uses a laser beam to reshape the eye surface and improve conditions like short-sightedness, long-sightedness, astigmatism etc. Even presbyopia can be overcome to an extent with laser treatment. More people are now considering laser eye surgery options because of the safety and better success rates that laser offers. Having a thorough understanding of laser eye surgery options and its advantages can help make your decision easier. The main advantage of laser eye surgery to correct refractive issues is that you need not go back to the inconvenience of wearing glasses or lenses. You can engage yourself in leisure activities and sports you always wanted to do but couldn’t because you were wearing glasses or lenses.

Laser treatment called trabeculoplasty is used to treat some types of glaucoma, wherein laser is used to drain out the fluid from the eyes and lower the pressure inside the eyes. Scatter is another type of laser surgery used to treat diabetic retinopathy where the doctor uses laser to shrink the blood vessels causing vision problems in your eyes. Diabetic macular edema can also be treated with laser therapy and have proved to show only fewer side effects. Age-related macular degeneration also relies on laser surgery as a treatment, laser surgery reduces swelling to a large extent. However, laser surgery doesn’t restore the vision you have already lost but it can slow down the damage created to your central vision.

Laser surgery is performed by a surgeon specialized in it. The surgery will only be performed after ample eye check-ups and reviews by an experienced ophthalmologist. Laser eye surgery is quick and painless and is done usually under local anesthesia wherein people are awake throughout the procedure. The use of anesthetic eye drops before the surgery numbs the eyes and helps conduct the procedure without any pain. The patients need not stay back at the hospital and can go home in an hour or two once the surgery is over without any other health complications. Laser eye treatments are one of the safest technologies offering a 100% success rate that will last for a long time. You can even restore your 20/20 vision with minimum complications within a couple of hours after the operation procedure. Though considered exorbitant, the cost of laser treatment in Kerala is now affordable. Considering the pros and cons, laser treatment will be your long-term solution for defective vision.

Even though Laser eye surgeries do not involve long-healing time, it is important for the patients to take consider the following post-surgery:

  • Do not expose your eyes out into the sun 
  • Do not touch or rub your eyes or the nearby surface
  • Continue to use prescribed medications like eye drops
  • On-time follow-ups and post-surgery check-ups
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