Cataract Treatment

Safe and effective
hi-tech surgeries
for Cataract



  • Latest and most advanced cataract surgery – Phacoemulsification \ No painful injection 
  • Highly qualified & experienced doctors
  • Hi-tech equipment – Micro incision cataract surgery is performed using OZIL 
  • Choice of high-quality lenses
    o    Monofocal lens
    o    Multifocal lens
    o    Toric lens
    o    Monovision correction
  • Quick and effective healing post-surgery
  • Affordable to all 


Dr Rani Menon, our founder, is highly skilled and professionally trained and has done nearly one lakh phacoemulsification procedures including micro-incision cataract surgeries.

Dr Ritu Mary Ison is an expert in phacoemulsification cataract surgery and micro incisions cataract surgery.

What is a Cataract?

A cataract is the clouding of the usually clear eye lens that leads to decreased vision. This condition usually occurs as people age. One may not know that they have a cataract as it is mostly asymptomatic. Over time, cataracts can make your vision blurry, hazy, or faded, and you may find it difficult to read or see at night. You may get a cataract in one or both eyes, but it cannot spread from one eye to the other. Cataracts are totally curable with surgery. Cataract surgery is very safe and is usually a day procedure.

Symptoms of Cataract

  • Clouded or blurred vision 
  • Difficulty in seeing during the night 
  • Sensitivity to light and glare
  • Need brighter light to read or see objects 
  • Seeing objects in faded colours
  • Seeing a halo around lights

Treatment & Services

Dr Rani Menon’s Eye Clinic offers specialized cataract treatment and advanced cataract surgeries. Phacoemulsification (key-hole and Micro-incision cataract surgery) is the latest cataract surgery used at the clinic to restore a patient’s vision.

The lenses used in the Phacoemulsification surgery are:

  • Mono-focal lenses are standard lenses used in cataract surgeries. These lenses allow you to view things clearly, but the vision is limited to a specific distance. If you have opted for a lens to see far, you may need spectacles to see nearby objects. It is always a wise decision to choose lenses that help you work during most part of the day, and if your work requires good distant vision, then opt for distant vision lenses.

  • Multifocal lenses are for those people who do not wish to wear glasses because the lenses provide both near and far vision. However, our small disadvantage is reduced contrast sensitivity and glare.

  • Toric lenses are needed to cover spherical and cylindrical correction. The mono-focal and multifocal lenses can correct the spherical power, but if the patients require cylindrical correction, then glasses will be required. With Toric lenses, the doctor can correct both cylindrical and spherical problems of the eye and is often advised by doctors for patients with astigmatism or pre-existing cylindrical problem.

  • Monovision correction is done with lenses of different vision implanted in each eye by the doctor. While in one eye, the lens for far vision is implanted and a lens for near vision is implanted in the other eye.


  • The surgery is done under local/topical anaesthesia
  • The incision requires no stitches and is self-healing
  • The patient can go home the same day after the surgery
  • The patient can continue with normal daily non-strenuous activities by the next day itself


